
Ultimate Tips for Organising an Unforgettable Hens Night!

Planning a hens night can be both exciting and overwhelming. As the go-to person for the bride’s final fling before the ring, you want to ensure the night is memorable, fun, and perfectly tailored to her personality. Whether you’re going for a wild night out or a sophisticated soirée, these tips will help you organise an unforgettable hens night that the bride and her friends will cherish forever.

1. Know the Bride’s Preferences

The first step in planning a successful hens night is understanding what the bride likes. Does she prefer a night out on the town, a relaxing spa day, or an adventurous activity? Knowing her preferences will set the tone for the entire event and ensure she has the best time.

2. Create a Guest List

Consult with the bride to create a guest list. Make sure to include her closest friends and family members. Send out invitations early to give everyone ample time to RSVP and make necessary arrangements.

3. Set a Budget

Budgeting is crucial. Determine how much everyone is willing to spend and plan activities accordingly. A well-thought-out budget ensures that the night is enjoyable for everyone without causing financial strain.

4. Choose a Theme

A theme can add a fun and cohesive element to the hens night. Whether it’s a glamorous Hollywood theme, a retro 80s party, or a chic Parisian night (sounds just like Polly!), a theme can help guide your choices for decorations, outfits, and activities.

hens night

5. Plan Fun Activities

Depending on the bride’s interests, plan a mix of activities. Some popular hens night activities we offer:


  • Cocktail Class: Make & drink cocktails. What’s not to like! Find out More
  • High Tea: Sit on comfy couches & thrones & drink cocktails while nibbling on sandwiches. Find out More
  • Premium Bubbly Package: Raise a glass of bubbly to everyone, & to the bride to be. Find out More
  • Drag Queen/Topless Waiters: Over 20 guests and hosting in our private function room, you are welcome to hire additional entertainment.

Polly Bar has actually been mentioned by Vogue Ballroom & Vines of the Yarra Valley as one of  Melbourne’s best hens parties providers.

6. Book Accommodations Early

If you’re planning an overnight trip, book accommodations early to secure the best spots. Consider renting a large house where everyone can stay together, or book hotel rooms close to your planned activities.

7. Create a Schedule

A well-planned schedule ensures that the night flows smoothly. Include time for each activity, but also allow for flexibility. Share the schedule with the guests so everyone knows what to expect.

8. Prepare Party Favours

Small party favours can add a special touch to the hens night. Personalized items like sashes, T-shirts, or goodie bags filled with fun trinkets make great keepsakes.

9. Capture the Memories

Hire a photographer or designate a friend to take pictures throughout the night. This way, the bride and her friends will have plenty of photos to look back on and remember the special night.

10. Stay Safe

Ensure everyone has a safe way to get home or back to their accommodations at the end of the night. Consider hiring a driver or arranging rideshare services in advance, & whatever you do ensure you all drink a lot of water during the big day!